
Soon, the Lifelines site will allow you to create an account to access a wide range of tools, data resources, and collaborate with other community members. Enter your email below and we will let you know when the Lifelines portals launch!

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Asset 19supper clubs

Supper Clubs

Bringing experts to the table for humanitarian impact 

What are the Lifelines Supper Clubs?

Lifelines Supper Clubs are in-person, informal dinners that foster thought-provoking discussion around specific humanitarian themes, timely topics and local challenges. Led by a local host, each Supper Club facilitates engaging discussions that allow participants to benefit from each other’s thought leadership and explore potential collaborations. Attendees, spanning across humanitarian, governmental, and academic sectors, share a common interest in championing Earth Science for Humanitarian action.

For more info on the Lifelines Supper Club program and to learn how you can host your own Supper Club, check out the following resources:

Supper Clubs

Interested in hosting or participating in a Lifelines Supper Club? Fill out the following form to get in touch.

I am interested in…

Have Questions about the Supper Clubs? Email [email protected]

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Humanitarian Wayfinders

Join our annual Humanitarian Wayfinders program to help guide diverse humanitarian efforts and innovate with real-world solutions. Apply yearly in October.
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Fellowship Program

Explore the NASA Lifelines Fellowship Program for graduate students interested in Earth and social sciences. Apply biannually for transformative six-month virtual roles.
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Ready for Impact

Apply for the Ready for Impact program to scale your proven humanitarian innovations using Earth science. Annual showcase in Washington, DC each spring
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Earth Science Review Board

Join the Earth Science Review Board to receive or provide expert guidance on integrating satellite data for humanitarian decisions, open year-round
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Supper Clubs

Join Lifelines Supper Clubs to engage in impactful discussions on Earth Science and humanitarian action in your community. Open to leaders from various sectors year-round
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Scientist Speed Dating

Join Scientist Speed Dating to collaborate on interdisciplinary Earth Science projects that address global humanitarian challenges. Biannual events in Spring & Fall, virtual or in DC
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Humanitarian Simulations

Participate in NASA Lifelines Humanitarian Simulations to explore integrating Earth science in crisis management. Biannual events in Spring & Fall, available virtually and in DC
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Mural Contests

The NASA Lifelines Mural Contest aims to transform public spaces with art that communicates the impact of Earth science. Annual events every summer, across multiple cities